This assessment measures your ability to be open-minded enough to think differently in your quest to achieve workplace and career goals through different pathways and approaches.
1. Are you mindful of your employees' and/or colleagues’ unique differences?
Always Sometimes
  Rarely Never
2. Do you embrace diversity of thought and use their individual strengths?
Always Sometimes
  Rarely Never
3. Do you encourage your employees and/or colleagues to share their ideas and ideals?
Always Sometimes
  Rarely Never
4. Do you create a family environment in your department?
Always Sometimes
  Rarely Never
5. Select the word in the pairing below that is most important to you as a leader in order to effectively serve your employees and/or colleagues:
a. Connection OR Alignment b. Influence OR Control
Professional Development OR Maximizing Each Person’s Potential
d. Success OR Significance
6. What do you believe is more important for your employees and/or colleagues to advance in their career?
Self-Promotion by Employee An Environment for your employees and/or colleagues to Seize Opportunities
7. Are you vulnerable with your employees and/or colleagues?
Always Sometimes
8. Rank the following in order (1,2,3,4) of what you believe encourages your employees and/or colleagues to be their most authentic selves:
a.  Trust and transparency from their supervisor 1 2 3 4
b.  Feeling valued and respected 1 2 3 4
c.  Permission to take action (responsibly) 1 2 3 4
d.  A safe environment where no one is judged 1 2 3 4
9. Do you encourage your employees and/or colleagues to live the organization's core values?
Never Rarely
10. Do your employees and/or colleagues share the unique ways their cultural values influence how they think?
Never Rarely
11. How often do your employees and/or colleagues influence your decisions at work?
Never Rarely
12.   Do you empower your employees and/or colleagues to challenge your opinions and perspectives?
Always Rarely
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